The long walk for justice

Updated 8th January 2025: One year on from the walk, and with a new Equalities Minister in post, the Scottish Government has yet to publish its commissioned desk research or meet with Lynne or other campaigners.
The above image is an excerpt from a FOI requested by Dr Lynne Tammi-Connelly regarding communications between the Minister and her officials on the subject of meeting to discuss the campaign. The full document can be accessed at:

  1. See other posts for further information on the experiments which, amongst other things, included a visit in 1938 by Wolfgang Abel a Nazi eugenicist to undertake invasive tests on Gypsy Travellers in Caithness and Sutherland – a visit which was facilitated by Neville Henderson,  the then UK Ambassador to Germany. During his time in Scotland he met with the Archbishop of Canterbury, and other elites, at the house of Neville Henderson to explain his research on Gypsy Travellers in Scotland and elsewhere in Europe. ↩︎